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Themify Flatshop WordPress Theme v5.6.0

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  • Author Tom
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Flatshop can assist you with transforming any WordPress site into a wonderful shop utilizing the free WooCommerceplugin. It has extraordinary consideration regarding configuration subtleties, yet it is likewise stacked with change impacts, for example, parallax looking over and fly-in activity to further develop the client experience. The shop and items are placed in focus center. Every item can be tweaked separately to raise the unqiueness of the item. With item lightbox and Ajax slide truck, clients can investigate the item subtleties and add to truck without reloading the page. Themify Developer has made it simpler for you to plan the item page with additional extravagant components like sliders, exhibitions, maps, recordings, accordions, tabs, and so on (see demo item page). The subject is likewise stacked different elements, for example, fullwidth slider, endless parchment, responsive and retina prepared, symbol textual styles, slide menu, and that's just the beginning!
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