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Themify Grido WordPress Theme v5.6.0

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  • Author Tom
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Grido is a new responsive theme that is similar to Tumblr (Tisa, Suco, Elemin, Funki,Minblr, Wumblr, and iTheme2). It's bright, trendy, and fashionable. The theme has 9 gradient backgrounds that you may use to customize each article uniquely. You may choose a color scheme to match the tone of the article, or you can use a new color for each post to make your blog appear like a wall of sticky notes. When you reach the bottom of the page, the posts are automatically layered on top of each other and loaded. Resize the browser window to observe how the posts re-stacked in the example. If you like Grido, you might like Wumblrand Elemin as well.
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